Why Choose a Prefab Home?

Building offsite to reduce stress, improve timelines, and ensure quality.

By Jocoah Sorensen

Prefab is becoming a bit of a buzz word in the world of construction. Offering the opportunity to build differently; quicker and more cost effective, off-site and with an easy install process.  

In this article I’m breaking down what prefab entails, and why it makes sense. Ultimately trying to bring some clarity to why all this hype around prefabrication in construction.

A prefabricated home, coming together on the Adaptive Homes shop floor.

Building quality

Prefab is often looked at from the convenience and feasibility perspective, but a sneaky benefit of this approach to building is the improved quality that comes with construction in a controlled environment. In a factory setting, the unpredictability of outdoors becomes a mute point. Material degradation doesn’t impact the quality of the finished home, and systemizations allow for guaranteed processes, ensuring the same quality of product produced every time.

Quicker timelines

This point is the poster boy for prefab, but it really is a key benefit of this approach, and worth reiterating. Building the home while the on-site prep and foundation is happening reduces the project timeline significantly. 

The benefits of quicker construction are both emotional and financial. Less time with an active construction site on your property means fewer nights worried about the “what ifs” and “when wills”. A condensed build timeline also means a shorter period sitting with construction mortgage payments, and of course a quicker build means your move in day comes sooner. Less disruptions to you life with quicker build timelines.

Fixed Price Contracts

In this economy?!, but it’s true - Prefabrication allows us to offer fixed price construction contracts. While it means more planning upfront for us as a business, it offers our customers more transparency around pricing and process, and allows homeowners to accurately budget for their project. 

This fixed price contract approach is typical for prefab construction companies, as there are enough assurances due to systemization that determining a budget before building, and actually sticking to it, becomes doable.


We hear it all the time; workforce! For both remote builds and big cities, finding a team to build your home without huge wait times can be an incredibly trying and time consuming  part of the building process.

Prefab removes this concern from the equation as signing on with an off-site construction company means the limits of workforce on remote builds isn’t an issue. Plus, as touched on earlier, the shortened timeline of prefab builds means projects are turned over faster, so time on the calendar frees up sooner.  

So there we go, the key benefits of going the prefabrication route for your home build. It’s a particularly excellent options for those looking for assurance in their budget, a guaranteed quality of build, or those who have a tighter construction timeline.

Although even if your build priorities aren’t captured in these buckets, it can still be worth considering for a relative ease it offers when compared to traditional building.


Let’s talk “per square foot” prefab home costs


Secondary Suites: A breakdown of the budget